General Knowledge 13. Bills Free Quiz

1. The Chinese name their years after various creatures can you name all twelve (point for each) — Rooster, hare, tiger, rat, ox, dragon, snake, pig, monkey, dog, horse, and sheep

2. Who had a number one in the sixties with Massachusetts — The Bee Gees

3. Who was second in command of the original Enterprise in the Star Trek series — Mr Spock

4. In which American TV sitcom did the character Darrin Stephens appear — Bewitched

5. What is a male swan called — Cob

6. Which Dutch town is famous for its red round cheese — Edam

7. What was the first British credit card — Barclaycard

8. The song ‘Summer Loving’ was featured in which film – Grease
9. How many teeth has a human adult with a full complement — Thirty two
10. What was the name of the pirate captain in Peter Pan — Captain Hook
11. Who was the first man to swim the English channel — Captain Mathew Webb

12. From which spice do we get mace — Nutmeg

13. What is snuff made from — Powdered tobacco

14. In which county is the RAF officer training centre Cranwell — Lincolnshire

15. In the Spice Girls what is the surname of Mel C — Chisholm

16. Who enjoyed the Good Life as Barbara Good — Felicity Kendall

17. What does a golfer carry in his shag bag — Spare balls

18. The Vatican flag is mainly white and which other colour — Yellow

19. What is the capital of Norway — Oslo

20. Which ventriloquist has/had a green bird dummy called Orville — Keith Harris

21. What is a dickey when associated with men’s clothing — False shirtfront

22. Royal Sovereign and Hampshire Maid are varieties of which fruit — Strawberry

23. How many sixpences were there in one guinea — Forty two

24. Which three places are written on Del Boy’s van (point for each one) — New York; Paris and Peckham

25. As bulls are colour blind why do matadors use red capes — To hide bloodstains

26. In which country is the Mekong Delta — Vietnam

27. Which motor manufacturer made the Twingo — Renault

28. Which English county has the smallest coastline — County Durham

29. What would an American have if he had a hickey — Love bite

30. What is the lowest commissioned rank in The Royal Air Force — Pilot Officer

31. Where would you find a head tube, a fork crown and a spoke nipple — On a bicycle

32. The Red Lion is the commonest pub name in UK what is second — The Crown

33. Finish off this well known proverb, If speech is silver — Silence is golden

34. What is the smallest instrument in an orchestra — Triangle

35. In Lady Chatterley’s Lover what was Lady Chatterley’s first name — Constance

36. What is the largest county in Southern Ireland — County Cork

37. How many strings are there on a violin — Four

38. What is the best selling British comic of all time — Beano

39. In professional lawn tennis the balls can be white, yellow, and which other colour — Orange

40. What is Robert Mugabe’s middle name — Gabriel

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