General Knowledge 1

General Knowledge 1

1. What was the name of the aeroplane in which Lindbergh made the first solo Atlantic flight -- The Spirit of St. Louis
2. What was the name of the Kray twins elder brother -- Charlie
3. What nationality is singer Kiri-Te Kanawa -- New Zealander
4. Alphabetically which of the seven dwarves comes in the middle -- Grumpy
5. What type of creature is an oystercatcher -- Bird
6. If your balls are black and blue what colour are your opponents -- Red and yellow, you are playing croquet
7. What weapon is held by Britannia -- Trident
8. In computing terms what does C.A.D. mean -- Computer Aided Design
9. When you leave the Army you are demobbed what is demobbed short for -- Demobilised
10. Who composed The Enigma Variations -- Edward Elgar
11. What is the name of the never seen son of Mrs Bucket in Keeping Up Appearances -- Sheridan
12. What is the nickname of the Argentine Rugby Team -- The Pumas
13. Who is the only English prime minister to have been assassinated -- Spenser Percival (1812)
14. When at a formal dinner which way should the port be passed -- To the left
15. Who was Hitler's personal secretary who disappeared at the end of World War Two -- Martin Bormann
16. What were the first names of the American dance band leader brothers the Dorseys -- Tommy and Jimmy
17. For which county did wicket keeper Phil Mustard play -- Durham
18. Which TV presenter married Peter Sellers widow Lynn Frederick in 1981 -- David Frost
19. How would the Bishop of Peterborough sign his name -- Petriburg
20. According to a survey what are the three favourite smells in Britain -- Fresh bread, frying bacon and coffee
21. What is the name given to the hangover cure of Worcester sauce and a raw egg -- Prairie oyster
22. Who wrote Catch 22 -- Joseph Heller
23. What was Leapy Lee's only top ten hit -- Little Arrows
24. Who scored the goal that won Euro 2008 for Spain -- Torres
25. Two actors with the same surname have played Doctor Who. Who were they -- Tom and Colin Baker
26. On which American state's flag does Britains Union flag appear -- Hawaii
27. What is the more popular name for the third molar -- Wisdom tooth (if you get this wrong I suggest you have some fitted)
28. In what year was the Six Day War -- Nineteen sixty seven
29. What nationality was Karl Marx -- German
30. Which British motor manufacturer used to make the Atlantic -- Austin
31. Who was the first rock artist to put his first eleven singles into the UK top ten -- Gary Glitter
32. In the home entertainment world what does V.H.S. stand for -- Video Home System
33. Who was the Scottish music hall star made famous by his rendering of I Belong to Glasgow -- Will Fyffe
34. Which British championship has two sections, conventional and reversible -- National ploughing championships
35. On what day of the week does Ascension Day always fall -- Thursday
36. What was the name of the religious sect founded by Jim Jones that all poisoned themselves in Guyana in 1978 -- The People's Temple
37. Brazil and Washington are varieties of which fruit -- Plums
38. What does the Russian newspaper's name Isvestia mean -- News
39. Whose head appears on the American purple heart medal -- George Washington
40. Who in their advertising told us to watch out there was a Humphrey about -- The Milk Marketing Board

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