General Knowledge 6

General Knowledge 6

1. On a Monopoly board what colour is Fleet Street -- Red

2. Who was the lead singer with Roxy Music -- Bryan Ferry

3. What was Liberace's brother called -- George

4. Which Frenchman succeeded Max Mosley as President of the FIA -- Jean Todt

5. Under which building is the Batcave -- Wayne Manor

6. What was the world's first supersonic airliner -- Concorde

7. If you had had a tracheotomy what part of your body would have been affected -- Throat

8. What was the name of the character played by Richard Beckinsale in Rising Damp -- Alan Moore

9. Who duetted with Joe Cocker on Up Where We Belong -- Jennifer Warnes

10.What is another name for the snow leopard -- Ounce

11.What was the first English football league club to have their own TV channel -- Manchester United

12.Which female singer had a number one in 2008 with I Kissed A Girl -- Katy Perry

13.What is the real life relationship of The Krankies -- Husband and wife

14.Name the three animals mostly associated with the Stock Exchange -- Bulls, bears, and stags

15.How many thousand dollar bills if there were such a thing would it take to make a million dollars -- Thousand

16.In military terms what does APC stand for -- Armoured Personnel Carrier

17.What were Conservative MP's called who held non Thatcher views -- Wets

18.Name the three Goodies -- Graeme Garden, Bill Oddie and Tim Brooke-Taylor

19.Which mammals existence would be threatened by a bamboo shortage -- Panda

20.Discounting Australia as an island although we all know that it is what are the five largest islands in the world (point for each) -- Greenland, New Guinea, Borneo, Madagascar and Baffin Island

21.Who beat Celtic in the 1970 European Cup final -- Feyenoord

22.What TV role links, Leo McKern, George Baker, Peter Wyngarde. Anton Rodgers and Patrick Cargill -- All played Number 2 in The Prisoner

23.Varna International Airport is in which country -- Bulgaria

24.Which chain of restaurants was named after a character in Popeye cartoons -- Wimpeys

25.Which country won cricket’s first world cup in 1975 -- West Indies

26.A Night to Remember was a film about which disaster -- The sinking of the Titanic

27.What bird is also known as the windhover -- Kestrel

28.What toothpaste was advertised with the slogan look ma no cavities -- Crest

29.What is the name of the highland dance based on a song written by Sir Henry Rowley Bishop in the eighteen twenties devised for two groups of three people and is often danced on graduation nights at military establishments -- The Dashing White Sergeant

30.What has been the most popular name for kings of Scotland -- James

31.Which car manufacturer made the Caravelle -- Renault

32.From which musical did the song Food Glorious Food come -- Oliver

33.What sport is played by Brisbane Broncos -- Rugby League

34.What does a fellmonger deal in -- Animal skins

35.What is ninety nine in Roman numerals -- XCIX

36.What is the capital of Tenerife -- Santa Cruz

37.What were the names of the three wise men who visited the infant Jesus -- Caspar, Melchior and Balthazar

38.Who was the first white female singer to have a UK number one on the Motown label -- Charlene

39.Frenchman Eugene Christophe in 1919 was the first man to wear which item of sporting apparel -- The yellow jersey in the Tour de France

40.Starting with the earliest put these actors in the order in which they died, Richard Burton, Gary Cooper, Burt Lancaster and John Wayne -- Gary Cooper, John Wayne, Richard Burton, Burt Lancaster

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